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Ceramic tile empty drum, craze, fall off reason already found, do not accuse ceramic tile quality unjustly again


Talking about decorating:

The role that ceramic tile plays in decorating is very important, it is the foundation of whole household. If the ceramic tile process once sloppy, although in the initial stage can not be seen, but with the change of time, there will be such as falling off, damage and other problems, so how to do ceramic tile falling off? How does ceramic tile fall off repair?

1. Ceramic tile has insufficient seam; Ceramic tile is the ceramic product that natural earth is fired and becomes, can billow as the change of temperature heat bilges cold shrink. Ceramic tile does not leave seam, ceramic tile can extrude mutually fall off, want to leave the seam of 1~2mm commonly, resemble concrete pavement must cut to leave seam same. Most of the time, the construction process master level is not good, hurry the construction period, resulting in uneven seam, some places left 2mm, some places left 0.5mm seam. Therefore, paving bricks is very important, looking for a master need to be careful, need to find a good craft, good reputation of the master!

2. Clean the old cement where the tiles fall off. Next, the ceramic tile bubble a few minutes, take cement to soak and soya bean oil again the same viscous degree. The tiles are then taken out, the water on the surface is dried, and the cement is evenly applied to the back of the tiles (the thickness is roughly the same as the original cement slurry). Finally, just beat the wood flat.

3. Wall tiles were not soaked before being laid and pasted; A lot of wall brick is ceramic tile, the bibulous rate of porcelain piece is greater than 10%, if do not soak before laying stick, can suck out the moisture in mud, bring about empty drum and craze, fall off even!

4, if sand pulp falls together with ceramic tile, want to gouge some of pit gently on original foundation face first, mix the sand pulp that has glue afresh set, brush on foundation face hind the ceramic tile that falls off presses go up, till mortar harden. What need to notice is, if ceramic tile is local only fall off, cannot knock the sand pulp on foundation face forcibly, in order to shake loose the ceramic tile with originally firm surroundings. Ceramic tile is getting better and better now, so water absorption decrease the traditional cement sand to already can not meet the requirement of the paste of ceramic tile, and the dimension of ceramic tile is bigger and bigger, so are less likely to stick a knot, so it is suggested to use professional junction material, such as ceramic tile to tile, such not only stick force, is not easy to fall off empty drum, thickness thin green nontoxic and posted, the ceramic tile of the beautiful sex there were good security and robustness.

5. We can also clean the mortar on the back of the tile first and put it in a cool place to dry. Then in each tile of the bonding mortar (cement mortar on the wall) hit a small pit, upper and lower two points can be, the size of 20mm, deep 5mm or so. Remember to clean the pit of dust, loose cement slurry, etc.

Then fill the small pit with strong glue (stone glue) about 2mm higher than the small pit, be careful not to fill it too full. The ceramic tile that falls off before stone material glue solidifies finally stickup go back, knock gently with small hammer its and other brick face are flat. To use this method to solve the problem of how to repair ceramic tile falling off, we need to pay attention to the strong adhesive must be used with, the dosage of coagulant can not be too much, otherwise too fast, too little coagulation too slow.

6. Prevent exterior wall tiles from falling off

1, when should ceramic tile appear fall off just go remedial not quite good, suggest broad consumer is in common use process still should form good use habit, put an end to this kind of phenomenon in preventing, how to prevent ceramic tile to fall off in ordinary life?

2, in the laying of ceramic tile requires cement paste combined layer coating and brush evenly, brush time should not be too long, in order to prevent the wind dry hard, resulting in the separation of surface layer and base, leading to the drum.