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Stone Master Building Material Co.,ltd located in Foshan city, southern China, is specialized in the design, processing, marketing and installation of the world class marble inlay and inlays of other materials like slab, agate, granite, ceramic, brass and gemstone products for luxury decoration and furnishing.
Established in 1999, Stone Master is the result of two generations’ craftsmanship. Experience, skills and craftsmanship are handed down from one generation to the next. A rich heritage of knowledge and experience that delivers a culture of expertise and know-how.

Our aim is to make your dream place come true. In the past decades, Stone Master completed thousands of projects taking the brilliance of natural stone and one-of-a-kind hand work into reality, which define a new way of natural and artificial beauty.
With the continuous improving technology, manufacturing techniques, high-tech machines and design software, Stone Master will continue to create one-of-a-kind inlay marble artworks.

Let’s create our Stone Beauty.


For the reasons of confidentiality, many images of projects have not been published.
However, Stone Master is fully capable of producing what you need and making your dream place come true.
Any customized drawing and bespoke demand can be accomplished beyond your expectation.