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Why does floor heating make some tiles bulge?


As the floor heating is installed in the south of the popularization, in order to improve the comfort of winter heating, when the decoration will be through the installation of floor heating heating. As a result of the heat transfer effect of floor tiles is better, most of the home will choose to stick floor tiles on the ground after installing floor heating. But after the use of floor heating found that part of the location of the floor tiles appear warped, bulging phenomenon, the occurrence of this situation can be analyzed from the floor heating and floor tiles two aspects.

One, floor heating aspect

1, the floor heating laying density is too large

In southern cities, due to the poor thermal insulation of buildings and the relatively wide size of Windows, 110W-130W per square meter heat dissipation is usually considered in the calculation of floor heating. Therefore, when the floor heating coil is actually installed, the coil spacing should be between 15-20 cm. Spacing more than 20cm will lead to poor room floor heating effect due to insufficient heat; Spacing less than 15 cm will make the heat storage of the ground greater, the temperature of the ground will be higher, resulting in the later use of floor heating when the brick warped, bulging.

[Solution] Choose the appropriate floor heating pipe density according to the regional environment of each place. Do not arbitrarily change the floor heating space because of personal preference. The window position of floor heating pipe spacing is 15cm, and the indoor position is 20cm, which is the best space.

2. Expansion joints are not set between floor heating loops

Large space (living room) will have a large area, and several loops are usually used to lay pipes, with each loop not exceeding 120 meters of floor heating coil (one loop not exceeding 20 square meters). Each circuit will have a certain temperature difference when it comes out from the water collector, and extrusion will be formed between the two coil circuits. In the process of the same horizontal plane extrusion, pressure cannot be released, so it will conduct upward pressure, causing the whole ground to rise, making the floor tiles crack or bulge.

[Solution] Reasonable expansion joints should be set when laying floor heating insulation board and coil pipe to leave enough buffer zone for heat expansion and cold contraction between floor heating circuit.

3. There is no heat preservation treatment for the floor heating branch of the water distributor

Many times in diversity position can obviously feel the temperature of water, because floor heating coil for the return pipe from the position of points out, when doing the coil pipe is concentrated, heat will be too big, also caused the position of higher temperature, ground temperature is higher, under floor tile craze, bulging.

[Solution] Put the heating cotton on the floor heating coil for supply and return water at the location of the water distributor to reduce the heat release of all coils at this location.

Two, floor tile aspect

1. The material of floor tile

The raw material of floor tile is clay, quartz sand and other mixed with 1300 degrees of high temperature firing 10-12 hours, if the raw material of floor tile contains too many impurities or the firing temperature is not enough, easy to cause the hardness of floor tile is not enough, water absorption is too high, directly lead to the use of floor heating when the floor tile cracking, warped phenomenon.

[Solution] buy qualified regular floor tile, reduce the trouble that unqualified floor tile brings to family use (craze, warping, deformation, etc.).

2. Proportion of cement mortar

Cement mortar is needed to stick the floor tile to the floor. The proportion of cement mortar is wrong, the amount of cement too little, what too much, will lead to the floor tile and the ground bonding is not firm, empty drum condition. In the use of floor heating, temperature rise causes the whole floor tiles appear warped, bulging phenomenon.

[Solution] Strictly implement the material proportion control of floor tile, not because of saving material caused by floor tile adhesion is not fast empty drum.

3. The gap between floor tiles is reserved

When sticking floor tile, did not give floor tile obligate aperture, perhaps is aperture is too small, after causing floor heating to be heated, between floor tile mutual extrude, cannot release pressure, cause floor tile to rise warped, bulge so phenomenon.

[Solution] Need to reserve a reasonable gap between the floor tiles, in order to stick the brick convenient floor tile manufacturers will be equipped with a clamp to leave gaps for the floor tiles. The gaps reserved according to different categories of floor tiles are also different (between 1.5mm and 10mm).

4. The ground treatment is not in place before sticking the bricks

Before sticking floor tiles there will be a number of types of work in the construction site, the ground will remain cement block, dust or sand, etc., before sticking to the brick did not clear this kind of dreg, it is easy to cause the cement mortar of floor tiles and ground bonding is not firm, resulting in floor tiles and ground layer, floor tiles in the heating up after the rise, cracking. In addition, when the worker's master sticks the brick, the mortar on the back of the floor tile is not uniform enough, the center point of the oil and the four sides of the mortar, it is more likely to cause the empty drum phenomenon of the floor tile, which eventually leads to the heating of the floor and the phenomenon of warping.

[Solution] Clean the original floor before laying the floor tile, and the worker's master shall wipe the mortar and lay the floor tile according to the requirements of laying the floor tile, so as to reduce the probability of empty drum of the floor tile.

The above from the floor heating and floor tile two aspects of the floor tile cracking cause analysis and the corresponding solutions (notes). In fact, most of the reasons are caused by construction, we need to strictly follow the construction standards and processes of various materials to carry out construction, reduce the probability of problems.