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Poor decoration does not matter, but really do not buy ceramic tile blind!


Ceramic tile is often decorate expenditure to be able to row the thing that enters before 3, so large sum of money spends go in, affirmation should be worth just go! But to a lot of small white owner, ceramic tile I know him, he does not know me, what stand or fall all do not know! You can choose a suit! It is because of this just brought to individual profiteers can take advantage of the opportunity, shoddy things can happen many! Today to share a identify inferior ceramic tile strategy, we take back to see a good contrast!

A, water

Why should pour water, it is to see the bibulous rate of ceramic tile naturally. Water absorption rate is low show density is bigger, density is big quality also is better! But also not be all ceramic tile is bibulous rate the lower the better! Test method: the ceramic tile of area of which sitting room, bedroom, corridor, take a bit of water to pour in ceramic tile respectively positive and negative two sides, see the circumstance of water permeate (dry fast slow), to polishing brick character, if water sucks in immediately, that is bad, explain ceramic tile density is small, encounter inferior polishing brick! And bibulous slow, explain density big quality, hardness and so on also better!

Additional, observe the hardness of ceramic tile, ceramic tile with hardness good, tenacity is strong, not easily broken rotten for top grade. Still can take the fragmentary edges and corners of ceramic tile to scratch each other, good ceramic tile is broken place is fine close, the feeling is hard brittle, can leave scratch! And poor ceramic tile appears loose, tactility is soft, can drop powder to come down!

Two, pay attention to the surface flatness

After ceramic tile is stuck, uneven is what owner does not want to see most, occurrence this kind of condition is no more than two respects, it is master handicraft is not good, ceramic tile itself has quality problem again! Before laying ceramic tile, suggest everybody sees the flatness of ceramic tile surface first, shop again after affirming stick, also prevent master to push oneself craft problem to ceramic tile go up! Good ceramic tile must accomplish 4 horn to be collinear, can measure with tape measure oneself.

Three, measurement

The straightness of ceramic tile edge horn tests, the purpose sees ceramic tile namely whether shop sticks neat, the size of aperture is consistent.

Measure a way: pick up a few ceramic tile to be put flat on the ground together, the aperture between key observation a few ceramic tile is consistent, whether ceramic tile can be put together closely go up! If there is no difference around each tile, high precision for the top!

Four, make smudge to see

In decorating, ceramic tile is not how can change, a set of ceramic tile is used decades! If ceramic tile is good, clear a bit to still say, if touch a bit dirty thing to be about to waste a lot of strength to clear that this live is really too tired, so at this time the degree of resistance to dirt of ceramic tile is key!

Detection means: detect dirt is actually very simple, want to take a pen to draw a dot casually on ceramic tile only thing, waited for ink to dry reoccupy dishcloth to wipe see whether can get rid of easily, if leave mark to show this brick is not good, still change a brand!

Five, enjoy scraping! Shave! Shave!

Now ceramic tile no matter be polishing brick, microcrystalline stone, cast glaze completely, archaize brick has achieved qualitative leap on wear-resisting degree, basic how do you go scraping go row won't have a problem, if this guarantees not, that still was to throw as early as possible change brick!

Detection way: use knife and so on to go up in ceramic tile directly row, see whether the glaze layer of ceramic tile surface can be scraped away.

Listen to the sound

Ceramic tiles, porcelain things, to be able to hear the sound of his good or bad! Good ceramic tile taps with hard thing, the sound is very clear and crisp, ceramic tile of such explanation changes degree tall, quality is good! Also can take left hand thumb, index finger and middle finger to clip ceramic tile a horn additionally, with right hand index finger taps ceramic tile in lower part, if the sound is clear and pleasant it is classy ceramic tile, if the sound is depressing, turbid send out "da Da" sound then explain is inferior! The higher the ceramic tile with porcelain, the clearer the sound!

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