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Buddhism Theme Marble Inlay in Zhejiang China



Avalokitesvara Dharmadhatu is also called Guanyin Dharma Realm, located in eastern China, covering a total area of 1,666,666 square meter. It is a large-scale cultural theme exposition park with Guanyin culture as the theme, integrating art display, teaching and research, international exchange, cultural display functions, tourism services and other functions. It is the world's Guanyin as the prototype of Buddhist architecture, as well as the world's largest volume of comprehensive Buddhist cultural projects.


Stone Master designed and produced the ground of this project. The combination of natural marble and hand-made inlay artwork lending this outstanding and sophisticated Buddhism construction. Inlaid marble creates many lifelike Buddhism elements like lotus, turtle fishing, auspicious clouds and floral motifs. This is the largest Buddhism inlay marble ground in the world.

